Maths Links

Number Games

Count to 100! Our You Tube Song to practise

Alien Pairs (Build to Ten)

Base Ten


Bubble Game

Connect the Dots 1-10

Connect the Dots 1-20

Connect the Dots 1-30

Connect the Dots 1-50

Connect the Dots 50-100

Count with Art (Simple Counting)

Count the Cubes

Counting Caterpillars

Counting Games

Counting Backwards Ghosts

Counting in Fives Ghosts

Counting in Tens Ghosts

Counting Back in Twos Ghosts

Counting Backwards in Tens Ghosts

Caterpillar Ordering Games

Doubles Dice

Ghosts (counting back in 10s)

Give the Dog a Bone

Hundred Hunt

Ladybird Simple Counting

Leaves (1-10)

E Manipulatives for IWB

Making Numbers with MAB

Washing On The Line (ordering numbers)

Whack a Mole. Counting game

Penguins (Tens and Ones)

Rainbow Fact Pairs

Shark Numbers (MAB)

Splat Square 100s Board

Two Less Than


Adding Two Dice

Alien Addition (build to 20)

Bridge Doubles

Doubles Robin Hood

Connect the Dots Counting by 1s and 2s

Dot to Dot Counting by 5s

Feed Fribbit Addition

Funky Mummy

Math Magician

Maths Worm - addition and subtraction

Marble Maths Addition

Save the Whale

The Little Animals Activity Centre


Feed Fribbit Subtraction

The Little Animals Activity Centre

Geometry and Measurement

Shape Lab

2D and 3D shapes

Billy Bug (position)


Robopacker (slide, flip, turn)


Shape Lab

Bike Route

Statistics and Probability

Collection of Data Handling Games

Under the Sea (2D 3D)


Playing with money


Telling the Time

Telling the Time Game

Stop the Clock

Clock work

Set the Clock