Tuesday, 17 April 2012

History in Term 2

This term we are beginning a new unit on the history of schooling in Australia.  This aligns with the new Australian Curriculum.  You can help out at home by telling your children stories about life when you were at school.  Perhaps they can also ask an older relative about their experiences.  You are welcome to send in any artefacts from the past, for example, old school books, a slate, a port, an old uniform or photograph.  You may be able to think of some other things you have at home.  I will keep your items safe and the children will be allocated some time to talk about the piece they have brought in.  Unless it is your child's birthday, we do not have regular show and tell in Year Two.  Opportunities this term for speaking in front of the class will be artefacts from the old school days and a Master Chef presentation later in the term.


  1. Dear children and Mrs Taylor,

    I am very excited about this unit. As it happens, a colleague of mine here at work has just found some old spelling exercise books--one from 1923 and one from 1928. I scanned and printed out a few pages to show you how little children used to write in those days. I will give them to Luka and he can show you (Luka, please remind me today to give you the pages.)
    Kind regards,

  2. Thank you Veronika, I will look forward to seeing them when Luka brings them in. Ms Taylor

  3. Dear Mrs Taylor and the children,

    Luka has another old-fashioned, school-related thing to show you, I hope he doesn't forget it's in his bag.

    Kind regards,
