Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Term 3 Week 2

Homework.  On Wednesday your child will come home with the homework grid for the term and their new spelling list for the whole term.  You will notice that on the homework grid the spelling area is highlighted.  This is because this activity is designed to be completed every week.  Every week your child is to write out their spelling words (the whole list for the week) four times and write five of their words in sentences.  Last term there was a lot of confusion about homework and some parents thought it was optional.  The writing out of spelling, writing sentences and the science sheet are compulsory.  Please send your child's homework scrapbook in to school every Friday so I can check who is completing their work satisfactorily. Your child is tested on these words every Friday and the test book is sent home that day so you can check their progress.  Please return it on the Monday.  We back up this at home learning with word sorts and spelling activities in class to help them learn their words.  The rest of the homework grid is to be completed at your leisure throughout the term.  Just tick off the activities as you do them. This less structured time frame is to cater for busy family home lives.  I regularly update the blog literacy and maths links to match the concepts we are covering in class for extra practice.

Spelling Activities

Today the children prepared their weekly word sort and started on rotational activities designed to learn the spelling pattern in their spelling words.  The favorite activity today was "Magic Glasses".  When you wear the magic glasses you search through a book for your spelling words and put a dot beside them on the list when they are found.  One child commented, "Wow! These really work!  I've found 3 already!"

The other activities this week include writing spelling words in sentences, making the shape of the words, using highlighters to write the list, painting the list using water colours and typing the list using Microsoft Word and manipulating the colours and fonts.  

Theo was sick all of last week but has come back and working super hard.  He is doing so well at maths with Mrs Harper and Mrs Hutchins.  Look at his great concentrating on numbers up to 30!

Today the children watched a great episode of The Magic School Bus to learn about the water cycle.  I am looking forward to discussing their knowledge of new terms; precipitation, evaporation and condensation tomorrow.  If you would like to see the show again watch the link below.

Today we listened to an audio version of The Princess and the Pea.  We then wrote a simile about the Princess.  I was very impressed with the work, below are some examples.

We have been trying to improve our expression when reading.  This movie on You Tube shows our improvement.

In Science we have been learning about water.  I found a You Tube song by Mr Davies and added it to my own Power Point Presentation so the children can learn the words to help them better understand the water cycle.  After a few late nights, one of our 'techno savvy' teachers showed me how to do it in 5 minutes!

I do not know what happened to all your comments you wrote on Friday.  They seem to have DISAPPEARED into cyber space except one.  Sorry.


  1. I loved Ethan's bit where he did the Baby Bear. By Nicholas

  2. Percy and Hannah's voice was very expressive. Percy's sounded like the father bear. Hannah L's sounded like the mummy bear. By Emma.
