Sunday, 8 July 2012

Welcome back to Term 3

I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday and I look forward to hearing all your stories tomorrow.  This term we will be learning about how to write a Narrative in English.  A narrative is a story that has an orientation (what, where, who, when and why), a sequence of events, a complication (something that goes wrong or a problem) and a resolution (a solution).  I have loads of fun and engaging activities ready about Fairy Tales and Aboriginal Dreamtime Stories.  If you have any books, audio books or DVDs you would like to bring in and show us please do.  Remember to put your name on your belongings.

During Science we are learning about water.  How we use it and how to conserve it.

In Maths we have some great investigations to complete and new work to learn.

In Religion we will be preparing and learning about the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  This means turning back to God when you have made a mistake and saying sorry.

I can't wait to see you all tomorrow. Today was our first day back and the children got straight back into their work. One of the activities we did was to gather information about what the children know about Fairy Tales.

We did lots of Maths, some new work first about number lines to 1000 and then som IMaths Tracker pages to recap last term's work. in Science we are learning about Water so we gathered information about what the class already knew.

I purchase a new IPad in the holidays so updating the blog will be easier and much quicker.  Geordan wanted his photo taken.  Looks like he had a fun day!

Today we examined the story The Three Little Pigs.  We read 5 versions of the story and compared the similarities and differences.  Two of the books war Fractured Fairy Tales.  They changed the characters to make three little wolves who were good and a big bad pig who was not.  Some children began making the houses from straw, sticks and bricks and others created masks for our display boards.

At Get Set Go this week we began learning skills in preparation for our Athletics carnival.  The children practiced walking and running on the balls of their feet with their knees up high.  They also learnt how to leap.  It certainly wore them out.

We began out science experiments about water.  Did you know that most of the water on Earth is salty?  We made salty water and had a taste of it.  We all had a turn of stirring the mixture until the salt disappeared.  The children then made predictions of what happened to the salt and could we get it back again.  We put the salty water on the doorsill to wait for the sun to see what happens.  Today we checked them and a number of groups observed some salt seemed to be stuck on the side of the cup.  I wonder what it will look like tomorrow?


  1. I like having fairytales read to me. The three little pigs us my favourite one. The fractured fairytales are funny. Mum showed me a really funny Red Riding Hood one. We have emailed it to you. No one lives happily ever after and the wolf goes to heaven.
    From Callum

  2. That salt water was yuck.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!by Ella
