Thursday 17 May 2012


Today Freya brought in some old school readers to show us.

We followed an oral procedural text to draw from Activity TV.  Ms Taylor noticed the children are improving at following the directions quickly and there is less need to pause the video.

Master Chef notes went home this week.  Please ensure your child is ready for their presentation on the allocated day.  This project is only prepared at home.  If you need more information or clarification please come to see me or send a note with your child.  Happy cooking!

We have been practising for our assembly which is next Friday. All are very welcome.  It begins at 9am in the Church.  This is a clip of our song so you can all sing it at home to help you learn it faster.  Some children have reading parts in this assembly and a copy of their words went home on Monday in their homework folder.  It was glued to a coloured piece of paper.  They should read over this at home until they are fluent so it is less stressful on the day.


  1. Wow 2B! I can see you have been practising hard. I look forward to seeing your presentation next week! Miss. Lavan

  2. Dear children and Mrs Taylor,
    thank you for posting the video with the song for this week's assembly. It great to be able to see the children sing and perform!
    I hope you are having a nice day (not too many names on the board!) and I look forward to the next week's assembly.

  3. I can see a huge improvement in your drawings since the beginning of the year. You are all doing a great job! I loved your singing as well and your audience on Friday is going to be very impressed. I hope you are enjoying getting ready for your Master Chef activity. We have found lots of simple but fun ideas on Pinterest.
    From Callum's mum
