Saturday, 24 March 2012


Surveys are an interesting way to gather information from people instead of just asking them.  Reading Callum's comments gave me the idea of putting 2 surveys about Easter eggs on our blog.  Over on the right hand side there are two surveys for you to be involved in if you would like.  It closes in a week so don't miss out.  I have voted first.  I LOVE Cadbury milk chocolate the best of all.  There are three main categories of chocolate.  Milk chocolate is the most common and is the brown one.  White chocolate is liked by many people and it is white (I don't like this)  and dark chocolate is very dark brown almost black.  I think it tastes bitter and many children don't like it either.  Give polling a go!  Just like Mum and Dad who have voted today for a politician they like.

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